First off here is my weekly gif of how I’m feeling after doing the reading and the activity. Not too bad but not great.
This week’s activity and reading was concerning metadata, and let me tell you I’m concerned. Although I build my skills each week, I still feel as though my repertoire is rudimentary at best. But that is okay because I’m learning and thats all that matters! Right? I have learned that metadata is essentially data about data. Its very paradoxical if you think about it. Data about data about data about data and so on and so forth. I found it interesting that metadata as a term can encompass so many things. For example it can be anything from discoverability to a navigation list to categorization. Now when I visit different websites I find myself dissecting the different metadata elements. It forces me to wonder how someone can be talented enough to create such a complex website. I must say that this class has given me a new appreciation for coding. This week I added a home button and a categories button in addition to my abot me button. They are still blue and unreadable against the blue background but thats okay! We are working on it…At least I understand the importance of character encoding. I’m not quite sure where to implement it but one of these days when I need it I’ll figure out how to use it. Character encoding is a way to incorporate cultural, language, personality, and creativity into a technological landscape doesn’t doesn’t belong in one specific place. The digital field is a neutral place where all these elements and mix and mingle and be used freely. However, that comes with possibility of these elements being mistreated as well. In today’s society we as human beings have to learn how to productively and positively incorporate one another into a space that is not our own without claiming territory. If the young members ofour generation start learning coding in elementary school and then are taught inclusion through the smallest elements, such as character embedding, maybe our future will be a little brighter. Although, I’m aware this scenario would be in a perfect world where everyone could have access to such platforms. Alas, we are not an part of that reality. As for my goals, they are coming along quite nicely. I realize my goals are basic but they give me a sense of accomplishment. I have learned out to create a list, imbed pictures, videos, and gifs, and organize my blog appropriately. My next steps will be to start making my blog look how I want it to aestetically. I realize this will probably need a lot of blood sweat and tears to do but I’m ready for the journey.