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I decided to get right to the point with this week’s weekly gif. It’s straight and to the point because this week guys, drum roll please, it’s story time!! Doing the tracery activity was fun when it finally worked how I wanted to. This whole ‘frustration till it works’ theme seems to be reocurring for me as a coder. This week’s biggest mistake is simple and yet so elegant. I kept forgetting to include commas between elements… Freaking commas. Talk about a bad time for a comma splice. When things like this happen I get reminded how similiar coding and grammar are. If you place the wrong element in the wrong place then the entire sentence structure or code structure could mean something completely different. However, there are still some obstacles I couldn’t surmount.

One of these seemingly insurmountable obstacles has to do with the display on the blog itself. It shows up as raw code when previewed on my homepage and when I tried to include an introductory image it would mess up the generator altogether. My guess is that it has to do with the layout of the tracery in generl but I’m still very stumped. I tried adding tags, brackets, parenthesis, quotations, EVERYTHING. Yet, nothing worked.. I guess I’m just cursed or stupid when it comes to coding. I hope its just fun to watch me fail. Every week I feel like its the little things that stump me the most.

However, out of every activity we’ve done this has been one of my favorites. Other than learning how to insert gifs, creating my own mad lib experience is basically a dream come true. I understand that the story I created is extremely silly and improbable but that’s the fun of it! I hope that someone stumbles upon this generator and laughs from how amazing the story is.