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Reflection 10: What do you want to do?

This week’s gif reaction is inspired by the vultures from The Jungle Book. This is mostly because I had a difficult time deciding what I wanted to do for the final project. I wanted to create something that would do the following:

*help people in some sort of way 
*have them learn something 
*have one good chuckle before leaving my site

With these goals in mind I was between making an informative website that could be an election aid. The amount of misinformation going around from both parties can be overwhelming, especially to first time voters. Also, understanding the process of the election can be difficult as well if no one ever took the time to explain it you in words that are easily understandable. This is why I want to create a site where the younger generation (and anyone who is undereductaed) can access information about the election, the historical context, policies, candidates, etc. easily.

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Project Proposal

With everything going on the world today, I feel as though our generation is drowning in information. With the recent presidential election, I’ve witnessed many posts from people of all ages either on the behalf of their candidate, defacing the opposing candidate, or just flat out bashing anyone who doesn’t agree with their opinion. I was never able to witness people asking questions, discussing policy, or referencing articles to back up their claims. This frustration ended up being my inspiration. I want to construct an engaging, informative, non-bias, political site. I want this site to be a place where information is easily accessible and understandable.

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Reflection 9: iFrame, uFrame, weFrame

This past week’s reading was about how we can engage our different types of audiences. However, instead of trying to appeal to both a stay at home mom looking for a recipe and a teenage boy just browsing the interweb, we learned about the differences between implied and reak audience. I personally had never heard these terms before but was so excited to read about something was in the English realm of the world instead of the coding black hole I seem to have found myself in. You may be asking yourself “but Murph, your title has nothing to do with identifying audiences?” Well little imaginary fan, you’d be right. In addition to reading about the importance of connecting with an audience, I also learned something coding related known as the iframe tag. Now this may sound like something Apple came up with but don’t be fooled. The first time I saw this tag was when I started embedding my weekly gif reactions. I thought it was gibberish and basically ignored it… However, due to my rant last week about our tracery activity, Dr.P reached out with some great advice on how to correctly display my tracery activity with an opening image or gif. Thus, this week I spent the majority of my time learning about iframe tags and how to use them. It was surprisingly simple but still reminded me of some black magic. Only becasue it will show up on my home page in the correct format but sadly when I go to click on the post it says 404 Error. (I never thought an error message could piss me off so much). But don’t you worry my imaginary fans, I will overcome this obstacle! Pictured below is me doing just that!

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Reflection 7: Got Gamez?

This week ladies and gents we were able to venture down the Hypertext gaming blackhole. Earlier in this course I mentioned that one of my friends coded her own video game entitled Paleo Faileo. Not knowing it at the time, she created a hypertext game like the list of twine games given to us. It was much like the game Space Frog. They both follow a story line, have options for the player, and have the same style. This week’s weekly gif is a representation of me playing all the twine games.


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Reflection 6: Anotha Day Anotha Dolla

I decided to treat this week like a chore week, not just for my home but for my digital home as well. That’s right, I have built this site much like how people build their own houses. Through our reading we learned a lot about cleaning up the behind the scenes of this digital platform. Additionally, it was a good week to continue to try and mess with my stylesheet. Thus, this week’s weekly gif is a live action video of me cleaning up both my digital and literal house!

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Reflection 5: CCS? More like Big BS

While trying to make my page aesthetically pleasing I managed to do a number of things, including: deleting the theme, deleting my posts, taking all the colors away, then reinstalling the designated theme, and finally making all my active links pink. I went through hours and hours of trying to create a style sheet just to change the navigation links to pink… My sanity has gone right out the window. That’s right…

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Reflection 4: I Like Big Data and I Cannot Lie

First off here is my weekly gif of how I’m feeling after doing the reading and the activity. Not too bad but not great.


This week’s activity and reading was concerning metadata, and let me tell you I’m concerned. Although I build my skills each week, I still feel as though my repertoire is rudimentary at best. But that is okay because I’m learning and thats all that matters! Right? I have learned that metadata is essentially data about data. Its very paradoxical if you think about it. Data about data about data about data and so on and so forth. I found it interesting that metadata as a term can encompass so many things. For example it can be anything from discoverability to a navigation list to categorization. Now when I visit different websites I find myself dissecting the different metadata elements. It forces me to wonder how someone can be talented enough to create such a complex website. I must say that this class has given me a new appreciation for coding. This week I added a home button and a categories button in addition to my abot me button. They are still blue and unreadable against the blue background but thats okay! We are working on it…At least I understand the importance of character encoding. I’m not quite sure where to implement it but one of these days when I need it I’ll figure out how to use it. Character encoding is a way to incorporate cultural, language, personality, and creativity into a technological landscape doesn’t doesn’t belong in one specific place. The digital field is a neutral place where all these elements and mix and mingle and be used freely. However, that comes with possibility of these elements being mistreated as well. In today’s society we as human beings have to learn how to productively and positively incorporate one another into a space that is not our own without claiming territory. If the young members ofour generation start learning coding in elementary school and then are taught inclusion through the smallest elements, such as character embedding, maybe our future will be a little brighter. Although, I’m aware this scenario would be in a perfect world where everyone could have access to such platforms. Alas, we are not an part of that reality. As for my goals, they are coming along quite nicely. I realize my goals are basic but they give me a sense of accomplishment. I have learned out to create a list, imbed pictures, videos, and gifs, and organize my blog appropriately. My next steps will be to start making my blog look how I want it to aestetically. I realize this will probably need a lot of blood sweat and tears to do but I’m ready for the journey.

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Semester Blog Recap Week 5, Activity 4, Reflection 3

Amongst the blogs of my classmates, it was fun to see the different styles each one has used. Some people formal and direct, others silly and abstract, no blog was alike. Reading the reflections for this week created by my peers made me feel a million times better about my understanding of the information thus far. Not being in a physical class has many pros but not knowing where you stand amongst your classmates is definitely not one of them. In most cases, if I’m not understanding a topic but other students in the class are, then it indicates to me that I probably need to be paying more attention or performing extra steps to understand the material. When the majority of people are struggling with the material, I feel less alone and frankly less of an idiot. Long story short, it validates my inclination that this information is difficult to process. So, let’s dive right into what the ENGL 460 homies were saying about md and html shall we!

The main idea behind every reflection was something not very surprising. It was that HTML is extremely difficult and Markdown was way simpler and easier to understand. This fact alone made me feel better about my understanding of HTML. I specifically enjoyed Kailey’s reflection because she included an external quote that made so much sense to me.

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Reflection 2: I learned something new this week!

This week was a very exciting week! I have learned how to perform one of my goals: inserting an image/video into a digital space through coding.


In this week’s activity I was able to create a page that displayed many beautiful gifs that go hand in hand with my reactions thus far. As I mentioned last week, this is something I hope to keep up with (just so all my fans can keep up with me). I’ve decided that taking handwritten notes over specific key terms is the next step for me to becoming an expert coder. It may seem counterintuitive to take handwritten notes over something that is digitally constructed; but I am hoping this will reinforce the meaning of each code and their unique functions. I am not sure if I’m understanding the creation of a folder correctly though. I believe that once you create a few files under one folder name it will automatically create it for you. However, I am not quite sure… I did learn the about some differences between HTML and MD. In my eyes, MD seemed much simpler than HTML and easier to understand to the lay person. However, after understanding terms such as the anchor and what that looks like, it was interesting to compare the two side by side.

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Activity 2: Reactions to Coding

Throughout this journey, Dr.P has tried to diguise coding through literary terms such as metaphor. I wish this would’ve made me feel better, however, the struggle is real. Here are some reactions in gif form on how I’m feeling at this point in my coding journey.

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Reflection 1: I survived... barely

Just when I felt as though I was getting the hang of creating posts and understanding code, Dr.P throws coding language in my face. Although intended to be a soft toss, it hit me like a brick wall. While reading the background information I felt confident that I was understanding what was being said; however, when it was time for the activity I felt completely helpless. Office hours seem very near in my future… At the end of the week, however, I am thankful for the challenge and eager to learn more about the art of coding(even if its just for a simple blog). As I’m navigating this course I want to learn as much as I can to harness these skills because my goal is to be able to confidently talk about basic coding terms and understand how to insert a graphics.

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Activity 0: Figuring Out How to Code

Howdy my name is Murphy Scott and I’m a senior from Coppell, Texas. My favorite taco is the Hippie on a flour tortilla from fuego and I have a deep heart felt relationship with fried chicken. I have never coded in my life and wanted to take this class to explore another side of the universe. So here we go…

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